又 名:导盲犬与我;Me & My Guide Dog (I)
由英國ITV制作的《導盲犬與我》講述十隻導盲犬與其主人之間的溫馨故事。在正式成為導盲犬前,所有合適的狗隻都會被送到寄養家庭接受為期一年的照顧。首集不但見證十隻小小未來導盲犬的誕生,更展示牠們與寄養家庭相處的點滴。一些失明人士亦分享他們和導盲犬之間令人動容的故事:電台主持Jill Daley及愛犬Lucas;Jason和曾經救了他一命的導盲犬Yozi。一年過後,十隻小狗將離開寄養家庭,除了令人不捨的離別外,等待牠們的,還有嚴格的訓練。
导盲犬与我/Me & My Guide Dog剧照
The popular first film saw the birth of a litter of puppies. One year on, they're fully trained and ready to become guide dogs for the blind.
After being raised by 'puppy walker' volunteers for the first year of their lives, we find out what happens to Kylie, Kiera, Kirby, Korky, Keith, Kerry, Kola, Klodo, Keegan and Kez. One will be trained as a 'canine partner' to help a disabled owner with basic household tasks. Another will be trained as a 'buddy dog' to help autistic children.
However, most of our pups make the grade as guide dogs. We see them beginning life-changing partnerships with their new owners and hear the moving stories of other guide dog partnerships including 15-year-old Hannah, radio DJ Jill and former British Home Secretary David Blunkett. We also travel to the USA to meet Mona and her guide Cali, a guide horse.
由英國ITV制作的《導盲犬與我》講述十隻導盲犬與其主人之間的溫馨故事。在正式成為導盲犬前,所有合適的狗隻都會被送到寄養家庭接受為期一年的照顧。首集不但見證十隻小小未來導盲犬的誕生,更展示牠們與寄養家庭相處的點滴。一些失明人士亦分享他們和導盲犬之間令人動容的故事:電台主持Jill Daley及愛犬Lucas;Jason和曾經救了他一命的導盲犬Yozi。一年過後,十隻小狗將離開寄養家庭,除了令人不捨的離別外,等待牠們的,還有嚴格的訓練。
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