移动版 时间:2021-04-25 10:09
我想通过亲身体验,不带任何先入为主的想法,亲眼看看真实的新疆。 I just really wanted to see for myselfthe real Xinjiang through first-hand experience without bringing anypreconceptions.
如果你没钱旅游,那至少不要在网上仇恨一个你从未去过的地方,至少不要在公开场合说三道四,让一个地方看起来和它本身完全不一样。 If you cannot afford traveling, well, at least don't go and hate on a place you've never been to online.At least don't go and comment on it publicly, trying to make a place seem like somethingit's not.
“等等,你要来记录我们的生活,对吗?我的生活有什么特别的?” "You're going to record our life, okay.Why? What's special about my life?"
The normality comes from the fact that there is development, there is social mobility, there is a respect for their local culture.
一个少数民族有自己的传统,但他们也参与到全中国的经济之中,也属于中华民族,这没有什么不正常的。 There's nothing abnormal about the fact that there is a minority or an ethnic group that have their own traditions, but they're also involved in the entire Chinese economy and the Chinese nation.
他们是很优秀的棉农,采用非常棒的科技。他们所使用的劳动力越来越少,因为所有的机械得到了优化升级。绝对不是传言的那样。 They are just really brilliant cotton farmers. They're using great technologies. The use of labour there is declining because of their optimization of the machinery.It's absolutely not like that.
By actually going against the cotton made in Xinjiang, you'rehurting the local people.
For them, the world could say whatever they want. "This is my family. That's myland. That's my house. And I live my life, no matter what you say."
实习生 洪凯雯 吴怡
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