“中国经济以每年5%的速度增长,已经很了不起了。” Growing at 5 percent a year, that's a big accomplishment.
…there have been zero increase in real wages since 1979, zero in medianreal wages, the percentage of the national GDP that goes to workers has declined by about 10 percent over that period. We've had GDP growth, but no increase in wages. 自1979年以来,美国人的实际工资增长为零,实际工资中位数增长为零,在那段时间里,工人产出的GDP占比反而下降了约10%。美国的GDP有所增长,但工资没有增长。
It's because they're used to operating in a very monopolized market. They come here, they just can't compete. But bottom line, their product is not as good and they just can't compete. 很多高科技公司习惯于在高度垄断的市场中经营,他们来到中国,无法和本土公司进行竞争。但说到底,还是他们的产品不够好,竞争力不足。
China isa big consumer market now. If I'm producing any kind of consumer good, I have to be here, you know, I can't just write off that market. 中国是很大的消费市场,只要你生产消费品,就要来华销售,不可能忽略它。 Opening up to foreign companies that want to sell goods in the Chinese consumer market provides a lot of benefit to other countries, but it also makes goods cheaper and better in China. 对想要在中国销售商品的外国企业开放市场,不仅让其他国家获益,同时让中国的商品更加物美价廉。
In the long term,it may be beneficial to the Chinese and to the world markets. It's good to have more producers. So I'm not sure this strategy of denying access to technology can work in the long term.
The Economist Thoughts explores global economyandChinese macro-economic policies through conversationsbetween China Daily reporters andrenowned economists on the heatedly discussedissues.
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