

移动版    时间:2017-06-30 15:00


戴琼海 教授


通信地址:北京清华大学自动化系  邮政编码:100084
联系电话:010-62783009  Fax: 010-62788613-804


1987年 陕西师范大学,获工学学士学位

1994年、1996年 分别获东北大学工学硕士和博士学位学位













国家自然科学基金委国际合作项目“计算摄像学中的新理论及新方法”, 61120106003,负责人

国家自然科学基金委重点项目,“数据驱动的多维媒体感知与理解”, 61035002,负责人


2016年 “新一代立体视觉关键技术及产业化”获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖

2012年 “立体视频重建与显示技术及装置”获得国家科学技术发明一等奖

2008年 “基于融合网络的流媒体新技术”国家科学技术发明二等奖



1. Xinjian Chen, Qionghai Dai, Chuang Lin, "A fast algorithm for computing multidimensional DCT on certain small sizes," IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing,Vol.51, No.1, pp. 213-220, 2003

2. Qionghai Dai, Xinjian Chen and Chuang Lin, "A novel VLSI architecture for multidimensional discrete wavelet transform," IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol.14, No.8, pp.1105-1110, 2004

3. Qionghai Dai, Xinjian Chen and Chuang Lin, "Fast Algorithms for Multidimensional DCT-to-DCT Computation Between A block And Its Associated Sub-blocks," IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing, Vol.53,No.8, pp.3219-3225, 2005

4. Xinjian Chen, Qionghai Dai, "A Novel DCT-Based Algorithm for Computing the Modulated Complex Lapped Transform," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.54, No.11, pp.4480-4484, 2006

5. Wei Jiang, Guihua Er, Qionghai Dai, "Similarity-based online feature selection in content-based image retrieval," IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, Vol.15, No.3, pp.702-712, Mar. 2006

6. Jingyu Yang, Yao Wang, Wenli Xu, and Qionghai Dai, "Image coding using dual-tree discrete wavelet transform," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1555-1569, Sep 2008

7. Su Xue, Jiaping Wang, Xin Tong, Qionghai Dai, Baining Guo, "Image Based Material Weathering,"  Eurographics 2008 (Computer Grphics Forum), Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 617-626.2008

8. Jingyu Yang, Yao Wang, Wenli Xu, and Qionghai Dai, "Image and video denoising using adaptive dual-tree discrete wavelet packets," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 642-655, May 2009

9. Yebin Liu, Qionghai Dai and Wenli Xu, "Point Cloud Based Multi-View Stereo For Free-viewpoint Video, " IEEE transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 407-418, May/June 2010

10. Chenglei Wu, Yebin Liu, Qionghai Dai, and Bennett Wilburn, "Fusing Multiview and Photometric Stereo for 3D Reconstruction under Uncalibrated Illumination," IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.17 no.8, pp. 1082-1095, August 2011

11. Feng Xu, Yebin Liu, Carsten Stoll, James Tompkin, Gaurav Bharaj, Qionghai Dai, Hans-Peter Seidel, Jan Kautz, Christian Theobalt, "Video-based Characters –Creating New Human Performances from a Multi-view Video Database, " ACM Trans. Graphics, vol.30, no.4, July , SIGGRAPH 2011

12. Xun Cao, Hao Du, Xin Tong, Qionghai Dai and Stephen Lin, "A Prism-Mask System for Multispectral Video Acquisition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Vol.33, Issue 12, pp.2423-2435, 2011

13. Xu F, Dai Q. “Occlusion-Aware Motion Layer Extraction Under Large Interframe Motions,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, No.9, pp. 2615-2626 ,2011

14. J. Suo, X. Chen, S. Shan, W. Gao and Q. Dai, "A Concatenational Graph Evolution Aging Model," IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 2083-2096, Nov. 2012

15. Yue Deng, Yebin Liu, Qionghai Dai, Zengke Zhang, Yao Wang, "Noisy Depth Maps Fusion for Multiview Stereo Via Matrix Completion," IEEE Journal. Sel. Topics Signal Processing 6(5): 566-582, 2012

16. Kun Li, Qionghai Dai, Wenli Xu, Jingyu Yang, "Temporal-Dense Dynamic 3-D Reconstruction With Low Frame Rate Cameras," IEEE Journal . Sel. Topics Signal Processing 6(5): 447-459, 2012

17. C. Fu, X. Ji, Q. Dai, “Adaptive Compressed Sensing Recovery Utilizing the Property of Signal's Autocorrelations,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , Vol. 21, No. 5, PP: 2369-2378, May 2012

18. Guannan Li, Chenglei Wu, Carsten Stoll, Yebin Liu, Kiran Varanasi, Qionghai Dai, Christian Theobalt, "Capturing Relightable Human Performances under General Uncontrolled Illumination, " Eurographics 2013. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 275-284, 2013

19. Deng Yue, Dai Qionghai, Liu Risheng, et al. “Low-Rank Structure Learning via Nonconvex Heuristic Recovery,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 383–396, 2013

20. Yangang Wang, Jianyuan Min, Jianjie Zhang, Yebin Liu, Feng Xu, Qionghai Dai and Jinxiang Chai, "Video-based Hand Manipulation Capture Through Composite Motion Control," ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Proceedings TOG vol. 32 No. 4, July 2013

21. Ye GZ, Liu YB, Deng Y, Hasler N, Ji  XY, Dai QH, Theobalt C ” Free-Viewpoint Video of Human Actors Using Multiple Handheld Kinects,” IEEE Transactions On Cybernetics  vol. 43, no. 5, SI pp. 1370-1382,  Oct. 2013

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