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Overview of Qionghai



QionghaiCity is located at the east coast of Hainan Province, with the land area of 1710kmand sea area of 1530.8km. Now, it has jurisdiction over 12 towns, 204 village (neighborhood)committees and an exclusive economic zone (Overseas Chinese Farm); it has permanentpopulation of 502500, there are 550000 overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese whoreside in 28 countries and regions and compatriots in Hong Kong, Macau andTaiwan, it has the good reputation of “Hometown of Culture”, “Hometown ofOverseas Chinese” and “Hometown of Civilization”; it’s the hometown oflegendary Red Detachment of Women, location of permanent site of Boao Forum forAsia and a famous place of hot spring in China; it has been successivelyhonored with the titles including “National Health City” and county-level “NationalCivilized City”; identified as “National New Urbanization Comprehensive PilotArea” and “National EcologicalCivilization Demonstration Area” and rated as “National Leisure Agriculture andRural Tourism Demonstration County” and “2014 ‘Beautiful China’ Top Ten TourismCounty”.


Qionghai has a long history and it is aplace where talents gather.Inthe fifth year (660 A.D. ) of Xianqing in Tang Dynasty, Lehui County was established,which was the origin of Qionghai. In December 1958, approved by the StateCouncil, Qiongdong, Lehui and Wanning counties were merged; because the placeis located at the east coast of Qiongzhou (now Hainan), so it was named as QionghaiCounty, Jiaji Town was established; in November of next year, Wanning Countywas separated out. In November 1992, approved by the State Council, QionghaiCounty was revoked and Qionghai City was established. It has rich and colorfulfolk cultural customs such as coloured-lantern making, Junpo and Hainan Opera; “GengluBook” which has been handed down by the ancestors of fishermen in Tanmen sincethe Ming and Qing dynasties, records the characteristics of islands and sailingroutes in the South China Sea in detail, it has been included in the secondbatch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list as an importanthistorical evidence that proves the sovereignty of South China Sea has belongedto China since ancient times.


Qionghai has pleasant climate and excellentecological environment.It has tropical monsoon climate, sufficient sunshine, high temperature, morerain and frequent typhoon. Its dry season and wet season are clear; its annualaverage precipitation is about 2000mm and annual average rainy days are about160 days. Its temperature will not change greatly in the four seasons. In thehottest July, the average temperature is 28.4℃in southeastern coastal area and 27.4℃in southwestern mountain area; in thecoldest January, the average temperature is 18.3℃in southeastern coastal area and 17.2℃in southwestern mountain area; its annual averagetemperature is about 24℃. Ithas good ecological environment, soil and water resources are well conserved; speciesand germplasm resources are well protected relatively and the forest coveragerate stays at 69%.


Qionghai has rich natural resources.There are a lot of rivers in the territory,with abundant water resources and excellent water quality. There are mainly 3river systems, including Jiuqu River, Wanquan River and Xinyuan River; inwhich, Wanquan River is the third largest river in Hainan Island, with 81.2kmmain stream in the territory. More than 20 kinds of metal ores and nonmetalores are discovered in the territory, including 14 kinds of mineral productswhich have been ascertained to have mining value, such as titanium, potassium,tungsten, gold, graphite, kaolin clay and glass sand, etc. There are geothermalresources including Guantang Hot Spring, Beian Hot Spring and Lanshan HotSpring; in which, the daily self-flow of Guantang Hot Spring is 10700t and itswater temperature is 70-90 degrees Celsius; it’s a rare hot mineral hot springin the world. There are 3 bays and about 880 hectares of mariculture area inthe territory.


Qionghai is a transportation hub in the eastof Hainan.Thereis “an airport, a high-speed rail, three highways and four ports” here: BoaoInternational Airport has opened 25 main city routes; Hainan roundabouthigh-speed rail runs through Qionghai from south to north; Hainan RoundaboutHighway, Wenchang-Boao Highway and Waning-Yangpu Highway network covers thewhole Qionghai; there are four coastal ports: Tanmen, Longwan, Boao and Qingge;in which, Tanmen Port is a national key fishing port and one of the nearestports to the Nansha Islands.


Qionghai is a “Hainan Example” of newurbanization.Onthe principle of “not to cut down trees, not to demolish a building, not tooccupy farmland and to urbanize locally”, Qionghai takes the construction ofcharacteristic town, agricultural park, green tourism channel and equalizationof public service as a driver to introduce the urban facilities into thevillages and towns in order to promote local entrepreneurship and employment offarmers and realize urban and rural integrated development; it has blazed atrail of new urbanization which has low cost, high quality and benefits thepeople. In August 2015, Qionghai was appointed as the sole representative amongmore than 2800 counties and county-level cities all over the country by thePropaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and the CentralCivilization Office to make a typical speech on the experience of “not to cutdown trees, not to demolish a building, not to occupy farmland and to urbanizelocally” at the meeting of National Rural Spiritual Civilization Construction. In2016, the poor family income per capita exceeded the national bottom line of gettingrid of poverty, comprehensively realizing the objective of “not to worry aboutfood or clothing, and three guarantees including compulsory education, healthcare and housing safety”. The seventh Congress of Party Representatives ofHainan highly affirmed that “Qionghai’s ‘three Nos and local urbanization’ hasexplored a new mode for national new urbanization construction”.


Qionghai is the birthplace and foregoer of globaltourism.Itintegrates mountain, spring, river, sea and lake; here, there are blue waterand blue sky, sunshine, beach, coconut tree wind and sea rhyme as well aspastoral flute and countryside. There is not only Boao Silk Road Paradise Townand Tanmen South China Sea Customs Town which is deeply cultivated in SouthChina Sea, but also mysterious and full-bodied Huishan Li and Miao Customs Townas well as ten thousand mu of agricultural park and one thousand mu of flowersin Longshouyang. As early as March 2013, Qionghai Municipal Party Committee andMunicipal Government offered to create “Qionghai Global 5A Scenic Area” andtake the construction of new urbanization as a driver to build the wholeQionghai of 1710km according to the standard of 5A scenic area. After fiveyears of construction, there are innumerable great achievements for globaltourism in Qionghai: 8 towns were chosen as top 100 characteristic industrytowns in Hainan; Tanmen Town, Boao Town and Zhongyuan Town were awarded with “NationalFamous Town With Characteristic Tourism Landscape”; Boao Town and Wanquan Town wereawarded with “National Beautiful And Livable Demonstration Town”; in 2016, thewhole city received 10.101 million tourists, the tourist income was 5.73billion yuan. At the national working conference on tourism, which was held inHaikou, Qionghai’s global tourism construction experience was highly affirmedby the National Tourism Administration and generalized to other cities inChina.


Qionghai is a central city in theeast of Hainan.On April 28, 2017, the 7thCongress of Party Representatives of Hainan Province came to a successfulclose; in the report of congress of party representatives, which is aprogrammatic document guiding the work of the whole province in the future fiveyears, four-level development positioning and requirements were given toQionghai: building Qionghai into a regional central city; releasing thepreferential policy effect of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism PilotZone to form an international medical technology service industry clusterdistrict; providing high-quality service guarantee and making good use of BoaoForum for Asia through deep planning to create international politics-commercedialogue platform; keeping and showing the rural scenery characteristics ofBoao Town and building an informal, comfortable and harmonious atmosphere of conference.In order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the province, Qionghaiput forward the development strategy of building a central city in the east ofHainan, which is featured by “strong industry, beautiful town & country,rich people and harmonious society”; it will focus on the four positioning requirementsfor the development in Qionghai made by the Provincial Party Committee, gatherstrength to build a central city in the east of Hainan and shoulder theresponsibility of Qionghai to build a new beautiful Hainan. It will make greatefforts to build Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone into acore giving priority to medical technology service industry, build coastal areainto a cultural industry economic belt, build Wanquan River basin into greenecology economic belt, make General Aviation Industrial Park, Tanmen MarineEconomy Industrial Park and Dalu Industrial Park bigger and stronger, connectcharacteristic towns, agricultural parks, beautiful villages and scenic spotsin series in the mode of “point, line and plane” to develop global tourism andform an industrial pattern of “a core, two belts, three parks and all domains”.It will guarantee and make good use of Boao Forum for Asia through deepplanning with stronger sense of historical mission and sense of politicalresponsibility as well as higher-quality service so as to create a competitivebrand for Boao conference and exhibition industry and promote the constructionof Boao rural town more efficiently.

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