

移动版    时间:2019-06-01 16:13





一、 问路常用句型

在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me 以示礼貌,然后再问路.如:

1.Excuse me.Is there a hospital near here?打扰一下,这附近有医院吗?

2.Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the police station?打扰一下,你能告诉我去警察局的路吗?

3.Excuse me.How can I get to the History Museum,please?打扰一下,请问我怎样能到历史博物馆?

4.Excuse me.Where is the Blue Sky Hotel?打扰一下,请问蓝天大酒店在哪儿?

5.Excuse me.Which is the way to the park,please?打扰一下,请问哪条路是去公园的?

6.Excuse me.Where is the nearest post office?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?

二、 问距离及交通方式句型

1.How far is it from here?离这儿有多远?

2.Can I take a bus?我可以坐公共汽车吗?

3.Which bus shall I take?我应该坐那一路车?

4.How can I get there?我怎么去那里?

三、 指路常用句型


1.The post office is between the factory and the hotel.邮局在工厂和旅馆之间.

2.It's next to Zhongshan Park.它在中山公园隔壁.

3.You'd better take No.92.你最好乘92路车.

4.It's about ten minutes' walk.步行大约要十分钟.

5.It's about 700 metres from here.离这儿大约有700米.

6.Walk along the road,and turn to the left at the third turning.沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处向左拐.


1.Sorry,I don't know.I'm new here,too.对不起,我不知道.我也是刚到这儿的.

2.I'm sorry,I'm not sure.You'd better ask the policeman over there.对不起,我不能确定,你最好问那边的警察.

四、 感谢常用句型

1.当别人为你指路时,你应该用Thank you very much./ Thanks a lot.等来表示感谢.

2.当你请求别人帮助,但对方由于某种原因无法帮助你而表示歉意时,你应该礼貌地说一声:Thank you all the same(仍然要谢谢你).




Where is .

Can you tell me the way to .

How can I get to .



1."Excuse me,do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?"

Answer:"Yes,as a matter of fact I do.Do you need directions?"

Alternative sentence:"Excuse me,do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Market?"Use this when asking for directions.


问路的另一说法为:"Excuse me,do you know how to get to the ShuangAn Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎么走?)这句话也可以用来问路.

2."Is it far from here?"Answer:"Yeah,it's pretty far actually if you're going by foot."

Alternative sentences:"How far is it from here?" and "Is it nearby?"Ask this to find out the distance toswheresyou want to go.


它离这儿远吗?还可以说"How far is it from here?"(离这儿有多远?)或"Is it nearby?" (在附近吗?)通过问这句话,你可以知道你的目的地具体有多远.

3."Can I take a bus there?"Answer:"You could take a bus,but a taxi would bemuch more convenient."

Alternative sentence:"Can I go by bus?"When using the "go by" structure,bus can be substituted with other modes of transportation; i.e.,"Can I go by taxi?" or "Can I go by foot?"


我可以乘公车去那儿吗?还可以说"Can I go by bus?" (我可以乘公共汽车吗?)当用"go by..."这一结构时,可以用其他交通方式来替换bus.比如"Can I go by taxi?" (我可以打的吗?)或"Can I go by foot?" (我可以吗?).

4."Are there any landmarks nearby?" Answer:"Yeah,it's right across the street from a post office."

Asking this can help you to clarify the directions.You can also ask "What's the closest major intersection?"


那儿附近有什么标志性建筑物吗?这个句子使指引的方向更清晰一些.当然也可以问一下"What's the closestmajorintersection?" (最近的重要的十字路口是哪个?).

5."How long will it take by taxi?" Answer:"It should take about 20 minutes by taxi."

To go someplace "by taxi" means to take a taxi there.You can also say that you want to "cab it"; i.e.,"The club is too far to walk to,let's cab it!"


打车去需要多长时间?打车去某地,是"go there by taxi"或"take a taxi there",也可以说"cab it".例如:"The club is too far to walk to,let's cab it!" (那个俱乐部走着去太远了,咱们打的去吧!).




常见的有:Excuse me ,where is the ...,please?Excuse me ,which is the way to ...,please Excuse me ,how can I go to ...Excuse me ,could you tell me how I can get to ...Excuse me ,could you tell me how t...




Excuse me,where is the.请问...在哪里?

how do/can I get to the.请问如何到./请问到.怎么走?

Is there a .near here / nearby?请问附近有...

could you tell me how I can get to...你能告诉我到...怎么走吗?

could you tell me which is the way to ...请问去...该怎么走?


How far is it from here?离这儿有多远?

is it far from here?离这里远吗?

Can I take a bus?我可以坐公共汽车吗?

Which bus shall I take?我应该坐那一路车?



①Excuse me,could you tell me the way to ...

②Excuse me,where is ...please?

③Excuse me,how can i get to...

④Excuse me,is there a/an...near here?

⑤Excuse me,which is the way to...

⑥Excuse me,would you please show me the way to ...

⑦Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way to ...

⑧Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favor,I'm looking for...




点拨:问路的常见英语表达: 1、Excuse me, where is the post office? 2、Is these a post office near /around hear? 3、Can you tell me the way to the post office ? 4、How can I get to the post office? 5、Which is the way to the post offi...


点拨:A: Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? B: I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way. B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧! A: Excuse me, Where ...


点拨:A和C是朋友,B是个路人(男的) A: Excuse me sir, do you know how to go to the museum(你在museum前面加个你那边的博物馆的名字)? B: Oh, of course. Do you want to walk or take the bus? A: How long will it take for you to walk? B: ...


点拨:问路: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to...? Excuse me. which is the way to...? Excuse me. Can you tell me how I can get to...? Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to...? 回答 要根据实际情况。


点拨:A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station? B: Sure, walk along this road to the end, and then turn right, you will see a high building, and the subway station extrance is near the building. A: thanks a...

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